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Re: coding advice please

Peter wrote:
>   About my rune code.  I really feel it is done is somewhat
> non-optimally.  Right now, the rune checks the square it is in every time
> it moves (speed 1) to check and see if someone or something is stepping 
> on it.
>   It also uses it's move to decide whether it is going to be visible
> this turn or not.
>   Runes right now 'blink' on and off according to their charisma,
> at random.  They are visible 2/charisma of the time, at random.
> This was the best I could think of to conceal them without making
> them totally invisible.

This sounds better than using animation, since animation goes into
archetype, thus can't be changed for any individual object.

>   I've thought about using autoapply on runes, but I'm not sure if
> that works for monsters--monsters must also detonate runes if they
> step on one.  Can someone who knows a little about autoapply advise me
> a bit?  I'd rather not hack the code to figure it out!

There are a couple of flags, "walk_on" and "fly_on" that causes an object
to be applied by the object on top (fly_on triggers flying objects, naturally).

"walk_on" is what causes a button to be pressed if you shoot an arrow
so it lands upon it, so it should fit your need.

> It isn't TOO bad right now. It only checks to see if there's anything
> in the square, so it is not as expensive as a monster.

That's quite fast, compared to the central timing routines...

>   Should I worry about this or continue on with other projects and
> worry about efficiency later, or do other experienced coders feel
> this is good enough anyway?

I wouldn't worry all that much about it, though it's easy to add that
"walk_on" flag.  All objects; monsters, players and items; would cause
the rune to be applied (just add a hook in apply()).
With this flag, you could also work on the speed; just set speed_left
to a random amount (depending on charisma) for when the rune will blink
