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BUGs in .90.2

	This new version of crossfire has quite a few bugs in it if
you haven't noticed. The server crashes all the time. Problems
encountered thus far:
	-Frequently crashes when multiple people start at the same time
when using crossclient.
	-Frequently crashes on death of a player.
	-Frequently screws up maps ( ie. a player can get traped in a
seperate map from the rest of the players, crossfire creates two
seperate versions of the same map)
	-If crossfire doesn't crash imedialtly on the death of a
player it most of the time brings the player back (NO_PERMANENTDEATH
defined) with screen of the first town and no visable icon.
	-color pixmaps don't work and randomly machines that define
-pix sometimes get them sometimes not. Its wierd.

	Now did you think I would give you all these bugs with out
some solutions?? No. I am not real familuar with the code, I haven't
even looked at it since 89.1 when I did some modifications locally.
But I did get some personal hackc on this version to work.
	The crashes usally 95% of the time are generated by sigbus
(bus error) which is worse than a segfault, because you can check for
NULL pointers by you can't really check if you going to be out of
range or not. This screems on fatal flaw.... NO INTIALIZATION. Now I
tried to intialize the variables that caused the crashs the most but
as I said I'm not that familar with the code...YET. I did however
solve the problem of crashes on multiple logins. It seems that when
someone enters or exits a map it sends a message to everyones screen
when this happens to a player who's in the process of coming up, it
generates a sigbus on the Draw_Info to that players socket. I used an
ugly hack that basically won't let crossfire send Draw_Info to
everyones screen when anyone is in the process of bringing there
windows up. I won't submit a patch for that, since it is an ugly work
	Also the someone left out the command line option of -xpm in
client.c, this real easy to fix. So I put my version of client.c up on in the incoming dir client.c.gz. For those of you who
want color pixmaps.
	On a more positive note, those of you who have worked on this
have done a great job. I saw some impressive useage of code when
HACKing through it. I like the plan of eliminating all the unbalanced
maps, although that left it kind of bare in terms of palyable maps.
But still I think its an overall improvement. It just means that those
of you who don't do code but still wish to contribute need to make
more maps. 
	I have started work on tring to see if I can get a basic
working (not faked like it is now) client/server model running for
crossfire. I don't know how far I'll get but I'm nearly complete as
far as coding goes of the client I'll wait for the next version to
start on the server. Is there a reason this hasn't been done before?
Just not enough time to major of a revision? Anybody care to discuss
