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- Classes and abilities.,
Mark Wedel
- Bug reports,
Jonathan Roy
- what da hey?,
Tyler Van Gorder
- 90.2 doesn't work, 90.1 crashes ...,
Stefan Strobel
- Re: 0.92 Bug? (and other),
Mark Wedel
- Small fix for Imakefile in doc/spoiler (0.90.2),
Torbj|rn Lindgren
- Patches for solaris.,
Kjetil Wiekhorst J|rgensen
- Graveyards and banks,
Tero Haatanen
- resurrection--how it SHOULD have worked :(,
Peter Mardahl
- graveyards,
Peter Mardahl
- Old maps may break with new archetypes,
Rupert G. Goldie
- spells.c seriously gutted,
Peter Mardahl
- Re:,
Kjetil Wiekhorst J|rgensen
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re:,
Jonathan Roy
- BUGs in .90.2,
Matthew Zeher
- Death, graveyards & deposit boxes,
Bjørn Georg Ludvigsen
- Patch for client.c,
Kjetil Wiekhorst J|rgensen
- What went wrong?,
Alex Villamil
Mail converted by MHonArc