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Re: More maps

PeterM wrote:

> I think you should be able to have several magical effects
> in place at once.  Why should it be impossible to have a dexterity
> spell on and a fire resistance spell on?  The way it was before,
> if you put one in, you lost any other that was there before.  That
> just makes no sense to me.

Back when I did the Protection and stat raising spells, Frank modified them 
so that only one effect was active at a time. This was to prevent people from
being able to hyper-improve themselves with lots of raise stat and Protection
spells. It is a good idea from a game-balance point-of-view, but somewhat 
annoying from a player's point-of-view. A set of spells I plan to write is 
"Binding" I, II, III, IV, V which will let you cast more than one Self spell
at once (ie Binding I lets you have two Self spells active at once).

> As to using this force-removing 'feature' to remove levitation,
> that seems like a very silly trick to me.  One should not have to
> do that:  if a spellcaster wants to give up his levitation spell,
> he should NOT have to cast an unrelated spell simply to get rid of
> it!

Yes, it is rather bogus.
