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Multiple Deities (was Re: Classes, Race, Experience proposal)

> Perhaps several deities; choose/create a pantheon with good and evil
> deities; the cleric starts as a general cleric, but chooses one of the
> pantheon (by going into a temple and sacrificing at an altar) as their
> main patron.  Different deities could give differing spells/abilities
> etc., and have different power `opposing' them e.g. a Healing God would
> be opposed by the God of Undead, and so forth.
> Or does this just make everything too complicated?
> *              (internet)		*
> *              or -and-cs (JANet)		*

I've been thinking about this idea, and I am thinking about implementing it 
by using Spell Paths. The way it would work is that each deity grants its
priests attunement to certain Paths, repells them from others, and denies
access to some others. So your Healing god may give attunement to Healing and
Protection and deny Fire, Frost, and Electricity. 
 In case your are wondering what Spell Paths are, they were added in 0.91.0.
They are described in doc/spell-paths.
