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Re: Classes, race, experiece.

A played a game once where once you got above a set level, you had to do a
number of things to advance you next level.

 You went to guild house of the class you wanted to advance in. The guild
 house will give you a task or mission you would have to perform for the
 next level. You also had to pay the guild money and have experince points.

 To advance to the next level you must.
  - pay XXXX gold to show your respect to the house
  - have proven you have the experince to grow (YYYYY experince points)
  - retrieve the XXXX object, Its last known location was in the ZZZZZZZZZ.

  The hight the level you where advancing the farther the object was from the
  given location, in some cases you would find a empty chest, talking to
  characters in the area would give a story about how it was taken new location.
