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Re: hps of classes (class differences)

"Rupert G. Goldie" writes:
> knowledge of AI 8-). The main problem with making monsters smarter is 
> computational time. We already have a few heuristics which are quick and have
> chew up too much time while adding some challenging opponents. I would also 
> like to see a better parser added for NPC interaction, but that will need 
> some serious thought and work done on it as we can't change the method of NPC
> interaction too often or we lose too much work put into maps.

When I planned my own crossfire type game few years back, I planned to
implement important npc's and monster with robot programs that would
interact with rest of players through normal client-server interface.
This way they could be run in different machine so they could take as
much cpu time as they need without slowing other players. When
crossfire is moved to client-server we could write specific monster
programs that would play some important monster, like one demi-lich
program that would play all demi-liches in the world. This way the
monsters can even coperate with each other (one monster is driving
users to some direction, calling other monster to ambush player when
they get there... etc).

I think only thing that is needed in the client-server protocol is
that one connection can be used to send commands and information about
several monsters, so we don't need separate connection for each
monster, but can use one conenction to play them all. 
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