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Re: Abuse of Gravestones

> A lot of users are complaining about the fact that gravestones are a 
> source of money (too much?).  The problem is that players are either 
> player killing (another problem as peaceful does not work against magic)
> or dummy player killing for gravestones which>  they sell to make huge 
> amounts of money.

The gravestone prices was meant to buying gravestones not selling
them. This means not using NOT_PERMANENT_DEATH, so that the dead player's
corpse can be buried to the graveyard (no-one haven't make a map yet 
and I haven't had time to finish mine). You can change gravestone's
value by editing archetypes files. Look for Object gravestone and
change value to 0.

> How do you prevent playerkilling by magic?  Besides the we all come 
> and get you if you do playerkill approach.

No any easy solution to this problem. Tell players that is forbitten
or modify code.

> Thanks
> Ripclaw
> (Lev 14; Maintainer)

Please, try make your lines below 80 characters.
