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Re: Classes, race, experiece.

In message <>, Mark Wedel writes:

> In fact, I think that is at least one problem with the game.  Most all
>other related games have some ending goal, and crossfire has none.  As such,
>people will play characters in crossfire long after there are few challenges

 There are challenges that higher level chars would find difficult.
They're not placed in the game right now.  Nowhere are there beelzebub's,
nowhere are there titans which aren't hamstrung by geography, demon
lords similarly have lame lairs.....  Challenges for higher level chars
is a map-making issue.  We can always soup up existing monsters with
the map editor.
> Raising stats and maxing them out: I personally really don't want to
>add code that requires drinking more than one potion to raise a stat
>1 point.  This would mean that keeping track of how many potions for that
>stat ahs been consumed, and would just seem to make things messier.

  I strongly agree with Mark here.  It would be a nightmare.

> The biggest problem I see in any change is getting everyone to agree.
>Some (like myself) seem to think that the present system isn't too bad.

  It's not, actually.  I think it'd just be fun to stick my system in,
and might help a great deal toward eventually (*gasp*) actually
balancing the game.

> If I was to do a change, it would be like the following:
>1) Race determines max abilities, stat adjustments, and perhaps some
>base abilities (protections or vulnerabilites).

  I can go with this!   Seconded!  (And hey, it's already installed,
except for our bizarre definition of 'races' as wizards, clerics,
swashbucklers, ... instead of trolls, halflings, humans, ....)

>2) Class would determine starting equipment and what hte class does.

  Startequpiment!  Another issue i didn't address.  Perhaps startequipment
should be chosen based on an assumption of the character's class from
his maximum stat.  High int--> mage, high strength--> fighter, high dex
--> thief, High wis --> priest.

  I really would NOT like to see actual classes.  Skill areas, yes,
classes no.  Ability to advance in a skill area should be independent of
everything save stats and racial predisposition.  Everyone should have
all skills, but to varying degree, like it is now.  

>3) The experience multiplier would be used for certain races or classes.
>In this way, a paladin would advance more slowly than a straight fighter.
>The experience multiplier might also apply to some races.

  With four skill divisions, we can taylor the experience to advance in
each area to balance the game.  Mages should require mondo amounts of
experience to advance.  Fighters not so much, clerics between the two,
and thieves perhaps least.

> Also, add class or race specific items.  OR maybe make them work better

  This would be difficult, I'll use your messiness argument idea on

