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Re: Classes, Race, Experience proposal

It sounds fine to me!

According to my reading, a character can mix clerical and magical
spells freely in theory. What I don't like is that since you have two
pools, "grace" and "mana", players will be encouraged to exploit them
both to their full (ie. to become something in between priest and
mage). Is there anything except from cosmetic reasons to split
spellpoints in two?

Hey -- I had an idea. Let's calculate a quantity of magic to be
divided between "mana" and "grace" based on the power stat, call it
Q. The player has values C and M for doing clerical and magical
things respectively.

Mp (mana-proportion)  == (2M/C)^2
Gp (grace-propotion) == (2C/M)^2

            Mp * Q                     Gp * Q
mana == -------------      grace == -------------
         Mp + Gp + 1                 Mp + Gp + 1

C == M: (a perfect mix between mage and priest)
   The "mana" and "grace" pools will be equally large (Q/3).
   Wasted Q: one third.

C == 0.5M:
   Mp == (2M/0.5M)^2 == 16Q, Gp == (2*0.5M/M) = 1Q
   mana == 7/8 Q, grace == 1/16 Q
   Wasted Q: one sixteenth.

Season the formulas to taste. The main point is that you should get
more magic power (total) by specializing.

Kjetil T. (formulas are fun :-)