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Re: Misc thoughts.
- To: crossfire (at)
- Subject: Re: Misc thoughts.
- From: Anthony Thyssen <>
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 14:32:04 +1000
- In-Reply-To: Mail from ' (Adrian Cockcroft - SMCC Product Marketing Engineering)' dated: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 09:40:30 -0700
| > ACtually, the starting stats bonuses/penalties do determine the max for
| >that stat (it is 20 + bonus). Thus, a barbarian (with penalty 6 int I believe)
| >can have a max int of 14 naturally. Magical items can still raise it above
| >this.
| Why don't we make it a hard limit, so magical items are useful to boost
| lower level characters but don't take you above the natural maximum for
| that character type.
| the current test limiting absolute maximum stats to 30 would limit to
| 30 + bonus - maxbonus (maximum bonus is currently 5 so the limit would be
| 25 + bonus including all magical enhancement).
| Since the average starting stat is 15+bonus, you can increase the base stat by
| up to 5 to 20+bonus, then using magic increase by another 5 to 25+bonus.
| The point is to introduce some variety to high level characters, rather
| than having them all at straight 30's for all effective stats.
| regards Adrian
This is a good plan. However the character I like the most is a fireborn
(The magic crystal and fire immunity at the start). This class however
is unable to use armour or weapons. The best way of increasing magic is
thus rings and amulets, and current their is no way of improving these.
I agree that weapon improvment should be limited, and with the absolute
maximum to stat increases, but without some means of enhancing rings
and amulets, all the above is accedemic to the fireborn.
PS: My fireborn has reached level 30 and can takeout also all things except
for a group of chinese dragons, all without even resorting to a weapon.
Only spells (particularly the comet spell).
Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
To think is human, to compute, divine.