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Re: Startup problem with v0.91.4

On Sun, 11 Sep 1994, Peter Mardahl wrote:

> In message <>, Jonathan Roy writes:
> >
> >
> >Just a note... How about making peopel drop their unique items if they
> >die, as a compile time option? That way, if you kill someone with Stormbringer
> >,
> >you can steal it from them. :)
> >
> I do NOT want players killing each other for greed.  I may well have
> player-killing days on my server, but everyone will start out with
> equal stuff.  Imagine the advantage someone with a Cloak of Invisibility
> would have in a death-duel-for-greed.

Yes, killing is brutal :), better way and more fun is to make
pickpocketting to work. So if you are good in dexterity you
can steal the Strombringer from the Ugly the Barbarian, leaving
him to wonder where his fine sword is. (yes the Cloak of Invisibility
is great help here too :).

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