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Re: Startup problem with v0.91.4

In message <>, Jonathan Roy writes:
>Just a note... How about making peopel drop their unique items if they
>die, as a compile time option? That way, if you kill someone with Stormbringer
>you can steal it from them. :)

I do NOT want players killing each other for greed.  I may well have
player-killing days on my server, but everyone will start out with
equal stuff.  Imagine the advantage someone with a Cloak of Invisibility
would have in a death-duel-for-greed.

It's actually relatively easy to put traps in the game which will
destroy any player with no warning.  A comet storm between two
directors at an entrance square, for example.  Entering the map is death.
Then, to finish the poor unfortunate off, you set up a 'crossfire'
at the home location.  So when he dies, he dies again, and again, and
again, and again.  Once he's died 8 times, he's not going to be much
able to get vengeance, he'll be stripped of his powerful magic, most
of his hp, 8 stat points, etc.

Player killing is to be avoided.  A tenth level character could easily
kill someone 3 times his level, if he has the time to set up traps.
