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Re: Stormbringer is wimpy

| Mark Wedel wrote:
| >  Also, at least one reason I wouldn't really like it is that then the
| > players would start pulling out their calculators to figure out how
| > many potions they need.  IT may make things more difficult, but I don't
| > really like it for aesthetic reasons.
| So add a little random bonus +/- in there - that way, they can never be
| quite sure... :-)
| Oh, and rather than making it a +/-10%, make it so it's a exponential
| thing so you could get a _massive_ penalty or bonus, but its extremely
| extremely unlikely. Just like life :-)
| That should annoy the compulsive number crunchers.
My own thinking is that the system is crazy, and something better
should be developed.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
   We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of
       a programmer :   laziness, impatience and hubris. 
                                      --- Larry Wall - "Programming Perl"