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Re: Stormbringer is wimpy

 I don't know how 'easy' it is to create a weapon that raises all
your abilities to 30.  Possible yes (but anything is possible).  Easy
it really isn't.

 In general, stats for all classes average out to about 20. With
6 stats, that means that the stat total is 120.  To get straight
30's, your stat total would need to be 180.

 If we assume that you choose a class that has a net bonus, and
have rings that give you bonuses, you may be able to get your stats
to total 130.  This is still 50 points short of straight 30's.  If
you do the most economical advancements (2 potions for 1 stat gain),
this is till 100 potions, and you need to be at least 45'th level
to use the weapon (highger if you want to improve the enchantment,
reduce weight, or increase damage)

 Now, if you use 8 potions (for 2 stat points), now that is only
25 enchantemtns, but 200 potions.  But at least you only need to be
level 20.  But this is still not easy.

 Also, as for a message stating that the gods deman more:  Suppose
you want to go from +5 to +7.  You are still going to figure that out.
That message doesn't do you any good if you have enough potions to go to

 Also, by making raising the bonuses even more difficult, it really
puts limits on some classes.  Right now, if that barbarian actually
wants to become a good mage, he could devote his effort to raising
the int (while a mage could devote his effort to raising strength).  Under
the new system, this would become impractical (because it would take so
many more potions at a certain point.)  Whethere this is good or bad
is hard to say.

 Also, right now, as far as I know, there is no way to add protections to
your weapon.  So if you want protection from physical, your weapon
needs to start with that.

 One thing that could perhaps be added is to maximize artifact damage
based on the amount of damage the weapon normally does.  Maybe 2.5 times
that value is the maximum.  So if you choose something that does dam+10
(sword for example), the max damage you could ever make it do with improve
scrolls is dam+25 (and then whatever magical bonuses.)

 This would actually give some reason to enchant large clubs or large
flails (because they have a high damage).  If you decide to go for the
taifu for ac, fine, but your damage will not be as great.

 Also, one note about super darkblades & other artifact created from
artifacts:  When I did this, the cancellation spell was different.  At
that time, objects did not get a saving throw (if random(6) was greater
than plus, it was drained.)  Now, items do get a saving throw, so any
item that ahs no material (which many of the artifacts do have) can not
be cancelled, and thus enchanted.  So thing are not quite as bad as they
used to be.
