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Re: SKILLS Patch

[Brian Thomas]

|   alchemist   User can identify potions, containers, and
|               amulets.

This one better be difficult to get! :-)

|  bargaining*  While this skill is readied the user has +10 Cha 
|               for purposes of purchase and selling of items only. 
|               Cha is never allowed to exceed 30.  

I think +10 is a bit extreme.

|	 hide	User enjoys limited form of invisibility. If
|		they attack or move too much they become 
|		visible. Right now it is possbile to  
|		hidden while next to hostile monsters. Not
|		a reasonable feature!

[Tuan Doan]
|   How about the user remain invisible as long as (s)he does not move
|   or say anything?

I think it is cool that you can stay hidden if you sneak around
_slowly_. I don't know how it works currently, but I have in mind a
random chance of detection which is rolled for each move, increasing
with each move, and decreasing every tick.

|   Scroll are automatically identified now?  Eeekkk! 

Ditto "Eeekkk!" :-)

|   [sense curse] Actually, this may be the most important skill that
|   beginner may want.

I agree. I don't think it has to be very expensive, as the experienced
players will want "identify". "sense curse" may well make the game
easier on the newbies. Perhaps some class even could start out with it
(necromancer? :-)

Good job on the skills, Brian!

Kjetil T.