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- To: crossfire (at)
- Subject: SKILLS Patch
- From: "Brian Thomas" <>
- Date: Fri, 21 Apr 95 17:46:44 EDT
I have been working on a patch for the skills code to bring
the code in CF0.91.8 up to date with my own efforts (the
stuff in CF0.918 is only current with my 2nd of 3 patches).
In the time since I coded that stuff I have been playtesting,
adding to and refining the skills code. Persons interested
in obtaining the code will find it on in
pub/thomas/. Grab the tar file skills4.tar.gz. There are
instructions on how to install the code, so I won't go into
that here. Below I detail the new code, its changes, and
some brief philosophy/description of each of the skills. Also,
a few ideas I am thinking on implementing are included.
Best Regards,
NEW SKILL CODE FOR CF0.91.8 ===> ala patch skills4.tar.gz
Installation -
instructions are in the file INSTALL.SKILLS.
Philosophy -
To create a roster of skills which will 1) to hopefully
differentiate the character classes. Give each class a unique starting
advantage over all the others, 2) to balance the starting and
continuing discrepancy between the effectiveness of spellcasters
and non-spellcasters and 3) to add color to the game. The
ultimate goal of these objectives is to make the game more fun to
play :)
Changes -
(1) Several minor bugs where fixed.
(2) Modified chances of hiding and stealing
(for playability)
(3) Addtion of many new skills, the roster is below
(4) Jewery skill can now ident rings as well as jewels
(i orig wanted to do this, but implementation slipped
my mind :< )
(5) Altered the starting skills of characters, + now
players start with skill scrolls (try selling
them and the "Gods will retrieve" your scroll ;)
(6) Altered the cost of skill scrolls.
(7) Implemented "beta" code for map makers to design
items which confer skills to the possessor.
Skills (the shortlist) -
alchemist bargaining bowyer boxing climbing
find traps hide jeweler jumping karate
literacy lockpicking oratory sense curse sense magic
singing smithery stealing thaumagragist woodsman
Character starting skills -
The starting skills distribution is given in below. I have
tried to balance the power of all characters starting possessions
(eg equipment, skills and spells) to make things fair. All in all
though, "skilled" characters may still need some fine tuning.
Since the creation of the "smithery" and "karate" skills, I have
been thinking about the creation of the 'dwarf' and 'monk'
character classes.
Character Skills
barbarian climbing, woodsman
cleric oratory (*note cleric no longer starts w/ spells)
elf bowyer, woodsman
ninja hide, jumping
swashbuckler stealing, singing
thief stealing, lockpicking
viking bargaining
warrior boxing
The wizard, mage, priest, wraith, quetzalcoatl, and fireborn
classes start with no skills.
Skills description -
The following is now the complete roster of skills.
A * denotes a skill which is not 'applied', but rather is
in effect passively while it is readied.
Skill description
----- -----------
alchemist User can identify potions, containers, and
amulets. One day I would like to see this skill
allow mixing of potions and at higher levels
creation of all non-stat raising potions.
(using $$ and monster parts!!)
bargaining* While this skill is readied the user has +10 Cha
for purposes of purchase and selling of items only.
Cha is never allowed to exceed 30.
bowyer User can identify missle weapons and missles.
boxing User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
is based on the user's Str and level. For some
creatures the boxing attack can "confuse"
(ie the monster is "punched silly").
climbing* While the skill is readied, the possesser will
move faster through "hilly" terrian (hills,
mountains, etc.)
find traps User can search (more effectively) for traps.
Not a 'passive' skill, it is applied in order
to gain the advantage in discovering traps.
hide User enjoys limited form of invisibility. If
they attack or move too much they become
visible. Right now it is possbile to
hidden while next to hostile monsters. Not
a reasonable feature!
jeweler User can ident gems and rings that they hold.
jumping User can 'skip' over 1-2 spaces in a selected
direction. Distance depends on weight carried,
Str and Dex of the user.
karate User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
is based on the user's Str and level. This attack
is the fastest and (at higher levels) most deadly
of the 3 "hand to hand" attacks available.
literacy User can ident books and scrolls that they hold.
Since scrolls are currently always identified,
this is not the greatest of skills.
lockpicking User may 'pick locks' (open doors). No equipment
is currently needed to to this. Eventually, I
would like to make this only available through
possession of 'lock picks'.
oratory User may 'recruit' followers. Recruitees must be
of lower level, and unaggressive to start. Use
of this skill may anger the audience. Also,
'special' monsters are immune to recruitment.
Success depends on User Cha and level.
sense curse User may discover whether items that he holds
are 'cursed'. Controversial skill, may go away
in later versions.
sense magic User may discover whether items that he holds
are 'magic'. Controversial skill, may go away
in later versions.
singing User may pacify hostile monsters with this skill.
Certain kinds of monsters are immune. Success
depends on user level and Cha.
smithery User may ident arms and armour that they hold.
Right now this is a powerfull skill, and I
am considering breaking it up into 2 ident skills
in the future.
stealing User can take items from the inventory of other
thaumagragist User can ident rods, wands and horns that they
are holding.
woodsman* While the skill is readied, the possesser will
move faster through "wooded" terrian (forest,
grasslands, brush, jungle, etc.)
wrestling User can make a "bare-handed attack". Damage
is based on the user's Str and level. For some
creatures the boxing attack can "paralyze"
(ie the monster is "held down").