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oddity in compiling 0.91.8 on Linux...

nothing serious, but (newlines added for ease of reading):

gcc  -O2 -m486 -Wall  -I../include    -I/usr/X11R6/include  -Dlinux
  -DFONTDIR=\"/usr/games/lib/crossfire/fonts\" -DFONTNAME=\"crossfire\" 
  -c player.c -o player.o
player.c: In function `esrv_move_object':
player.c:2139: warning: zero-length format string

looking at player.c:2139 gives:

      printf ("Pickup not impl. yet.\n");
      pick_up_object (pl, pl, op, nrof);
      return ;
>   printf ("It was not dropped or picked up, put it in sack (%ld).\n", to);
    env = esrv_get_ob_from_count(pl, to);
    if (!env) {
	  "Player '%s' tried to move object to the unknown location (%d)\n",
	  pl->name, to);
> == line 2139

don't see a zero-length format string in this or the previous printf() or the
following string. *did* find some errors due to my own fat-fingering the
#defines in other modules, but don't see any macros on this line either...

compiling with/on/in/using/etc:

linux-1.2.13, gcc-2.6.2, libc-5.0.9, XF86-3.1.2 (X11R6), make-3.74,
Sierra Nevada Porter, West-End Pizza (pretty good toppings, by the way :-).

all of the above ELF ('cept the beer's California).

Steve Lembark                     Workhorse Computing
()             1972 Ethan Ln, #38, Sacramento, CA 95825
  The opinions expressed here are those of this company.  I am the company.