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Re: reading books, another idea I am working on

On Thu, 14 Dec 1995, Matt Cortes wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Dec 1995, Brian Thomas wrote:
> > 	As of the current code, the only non-magical books are those 
> > 	specifically created on maps. Why not have several types of 
> > 	(general and specific) information be available in shops and/or
> > 	monster treasure hoards? Examples of things that I would 
> > 	put into books:
> > 
> > 	-> Compendiums on monsters/racial groups. Their powers/abilities
> > 	    and how to kill them.	
> move you do against that creature.  These books you purpose could also 
> increase the players knowledge the first time the book is read for each 
> of the creatures in there, then the book could be refered to later on for 
> things such as best protection spells/items to use, best spells, weaknesses, 
> max HP, etc for each creature listed in that book.

What about those times one uses an archetype on a map, but override all 
the stats/hits/etc  ? The information wouldn't be valid, but the player 
has no way of knowing that...

It's a good idea, though...
