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Re: TODO list (long.)

In message "Re: TODO list (long.)", '' writes:

>|     My assumption is that the typedefs are set up so that the actual
>|     variable is at least that many bytes. Is there actually any
>|     cases where a variable is assumed to be exactly a set number of
>|     bytes, and will break if it is more bytes?
>With careful coding and use of offsetof and sizeof, there should not
>be. Using fread and fwrite to store/send structures is out of the
>question, anyway.
>| - Fix bug that makes game crash on HP-computer (hplos) if it can't
>|   fix the font.
>|     Anyone know if it still does this?  Does anyone even care?
> has been disconnected for a long time. I don't think
>it's been compiled there since 0.87 or thereabouts. Delete the entry.

   Er, please don't delete the entry.  There are people that still have
to use HP with fonts.

>|     Also, throwing boulders might be a problem, since this could
>|     trap players in, or make some maps easier, as the boulders are
>|     moved to a place that they normally could not get to.
>The player should not be able to throw the existing, 1000kg boulders.
>Make a new archetype.

   Huh?  I didn't know players can throw things much less 100kg boulders.

>|     Also, how much damage certain thrown objects do would need to be
>|     worked out, and perhaps an entirely new entry in objects would
>|     be needed (a thrown dagger should do about normal damage, but a
>|     thrown sword probably should not.
>Add a number for how likely it is to do damage? A dagger could have a
>200%, meaning it at most can do 200% it normal damage, but on average
>100%. (The 200 means pick a random number from 0-200 and use as a

   How about compute the damage based on thrower strength, weight of objects,
terrain layout, etc...  Use existing modifier field whenever possible and
avoid creating field just for throwing damage.  If you want to create a 
field just for throwing damage, how about revamp the way physical damages
are done (ie: slashing, piercing, smashing, etc...)

>|     Likewise, a thrown dagger should go farther than a thrown
>|     sword..)
>Just make this dependent on weight. Of course, a small rock should go
>farther than a bag of the same weight, but I think this is too
>complicated to implement (air resistance).

   Well, why not have a field to indicate 'virtual size'.  Or at the worst
case, check for a specific exceptions (if they aren't that many)  In this
particular case, classifying dagger as a piercing weapon has advantages.
One being about to inflict a specific type of damages.  A rock of the same
weight as a dagger _should_ do a different type of damage.              

>Kjetil T.


 __  __/  /   /   __  /    |   /    Tuan T. Doan
    /    /   /   /   /   / |  /     IEC Layer Testing and Advance Technology
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