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Re: TODO list (long.)

On Mon, 12 Jun 1995, Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:

> |     Also, throwing boulders might be a problem, since this could
> |     trap players in, or make some maps easier, as the boulders are
> |     moved to a place that they normally could not get to.
> The player should not be able to throw the existing, 1000kg boulders.
> Make a new archetype.

Why not ? I think that every item should be able to throw (hehe,
demon lord throwing minor demons ;). If there is used somewhat
equation for velocity of object:

  vel = floor(str/(weight+1))   # 1 just not to get divide-by-zero

vel is just the amount of squares the object flies,
so for boulder with max str; it's floor(30/1000+1) = 0, boulder is
"dropped" on players feet.

also the throwing damage can be based from the vel.

vel might require one field more in structure, but it can be
used on other fun situations. Like in explosion the vel could
be added to object, as well direction from explosion center, and
object the flies some squares, cause of impact. And massive
weapons can add vel to the target.

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