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Re: TODO list (long.)

|     My assumption is that the typedefs are set up so that the actual
|     variable is at least that many bytes. Is there actually any
|     cases where a variable is assumed to be exactly a set number of
|     bytes, and will break if it is more bytes?

With careful coding and use of offsetof and sizeof, there should not
be. Using fread and fwrite to store/send structures is out of the
question, anyway.

| - Fix bug that makes game crash on HP-computer (hplos) if it can't
|   fix the font.
|     Anyone know if it still does this?  Does anyone even care? has been disconnected for a long time. I don't think
it's been compiled there since 0.87 or thereabouts. Delete the entry.

|     Also, throwing boulders might be a problem, since this could
|     trap players in, or make some maps easier, as the boulders are
|     moved to a place that they normally could not get to.

The player should not be able to throw the existing, 1000kg boulders.
Make a new archetype.

|     Also, how much damage certain thrown objects do would need to be
|     worked out, and perhaps an entirely new entry in objects would
|     be needed (a thrown dagger should do about normal damage, but a
|     thrown sword probably should not.

Add a number for how likely it is to do damage? A dagger could have a
200%, meaning it at most can do 200% it normal damage, but on average
100%. (The 200 means pick a random number from 0-200 and use as a

|     Likewise, a thrown dagger should go farther than a thrown
|     sword..)

Just make this dependent on weight. Of course, a small rock should go
farther than a bag of the same weight, but I think this is too
complicated to implement (air resistance).

Kjetil T.