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re:Starting at levels greater than 1

 In any situation, there is several problems.

 If you ask questions about how to kill certain things, those answers can
easily be found at by looking at the code.  Yes, this may be cheating,
and if you are the server adminster, you could just as easy edit the
playing file.  However, for remote servers, that is not an option, but
finding the answers is pretty easy.

 If you ask questions about the maps (which people could not cheat to
find out, because the remote server might change the passwords or even add
new maps), the problem is then that the characters may not have gone
through that particular map.  And it still does not prevent one player from
telling the others the answer.

 If it is desirable the let people start at a higher level, why not just
put in a starting question 'What level do you want to start at (1-10)?' 
Sure, it makes it easy.  But if people find that level 1 is really boring,
let them start at a higher level.  The point of the game is to have fun.  If
someone can have more fun starting at level 5, and not spoil the fun for
others, let them.  And of course, if this is a compilable option, it could
be turned on on some remote servers.
