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Re: improvement scrolls

On Oct 26,  8:15pm, Arne Wichmann wrote:
> Subject: Re: improvement scrolls
> Also sprach Jonathan Hankins:
> > Aside from the coding troubles, you could add something to flag areas so
> > that only certain levels of monsters (or whatever, level may not
> > accurately reflect the monster's  overall challenge) may enter. An area
> > like Scorn where low level characters are the most frequently encountered
> > should allow only minor monsters in, and then in a controlled fashion,
> > etc.
> I don't think that would be needed.  What would  be of some importance
> though would be to keep the gates of Scorn closed. That is one thing I
> wanted  to get by  that change:  players  acting stupid/careless would
> create problems for other players.

 That can happen right now to a lesser effect (you could wander into a dungeon
and find that all the monsters have been released, and are sitting right around
the entrance.

 Some areas, however, are considered reasonably safe.  And the other problem is
that some players may not care too much if they mess things up for other
players (the 10'th level character probably would not care if there is a wyvern
in scorn, but the lower level people, who will get killed, probably do..)
