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Re: improvement scrolls

Also sprach Jonathan Hankins:
> Aside from the coding troubles, you could add something to flag areas so 
> that only certain levels of monsters (or whatever, level may not 
> accurately reflect the monster's  overall challenge) may enter. An area 
> like Scorn where low level characters are the most frequently encountered 
> should allow only minor monsters in, and then in a controlled fashion, 
> etc. 

I don't think that would be needed.  What would  be of some importance
though would be to keep the gates of Scorn closed. That is one thing I
wanted  to get by  that change:  players  acting stupid/careless would
create problems for other players.

On the other side you can 'close' some areas for big monsters by
making the entrance only 1 wide.


Wer geteilt ist hat nichts mitzuteilen (Einstuerzende Neubauten)

Arne Wichmann ()