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Re: hp progression in skills system

On Thu 1 February, Brian Thomas said:

>	Proposal ---
>	I propose a different system: let the hp progression be based 
>	on the mean value between the fighter level and overall level. 
>	Thus, players who stay strickly fighters will not see a change in 
>	their overall hp progression *but* this scheme will limit the 
>	gaining of hit points by other, less physical combat oriented, 
>	classes. 
>	Comments?
This sounds fair; fairer than the 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/4 system you also
mentioned which would leave well-rounded characters out in the cold.
The only other (simple) fair system which I can think of
would be to put limits on the hps earned per level by class.  That is,
use something like the AD&D system, where mages get 1d4 hps /lvl and
fighters get 1d10 hps /lvl.  This means choosing class at the beginning
becomes more important but that later changes of inclination (ie making
your mage class into some sort of warrior-mage) would be much more
dificult.  Unless you could change class during play somehow.

On reflection, this all sounds a bit silly.  I'll go for your proposal.


P.S.  I'll soon be losing my home http/ftp site for 3Dc (try an old version
      from, or see my www page).  If
      anyone can spare 200-400k for an interim period, I'd be very grateful.
      The file is ftped about 10-20times/week, and I get about 300-500 http

Paul Hicks                         | E-mail: 
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