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CF: literacy patch

	Hmm. Im not sure how much of the problem this fixes, but
	apparently some of the readable arrays that *should* be
	initialized are not being done. This is easily patched..

	Apply the following to server/init.c (or just insert a 
	call to init_readable() in init.c). 


*** ./crossfire-0.92.3/server/init.c    Thu Mar  7 03:38:23 1996
--- ./../crossfire-0.92.3/server/init.c Fri Mar 29 10:48:36 1996
*** 252,261 ****
--- 254,267 ----
    init_archetypes(); /* If not called before, reads all archetypes from file */
    init_artifacts();  /* If not called before, reads all artifacts from file */
    init_spells();     /* If not called before, links archtypes used by spells */
    init_archetype_pointers(); /* Setup global pointers to archetypes */
    init_races();          /* overwrite race designations using entries in lib/races file */
+   init_readable(); /* inits useful arrays for readable texts */
    init_new_exp_system();    /* If not called before, inits experience system */
    switch(dump_monsters) {