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- CF: firewalls, (continued)
- CF: Crossclient help,
- CF: Editing Maps,
Bill Farrar
- CF: A union of like interests,
Sam Glasby
- CF: literacy patch,
Brian Thomas
- CF: blindness and artifacts,
Jonathan Tourtellot
- CF: Literacy,
Bill Farrar
- CF: Pixies and curses,
Bill Farrar
- CF: Literacy patch part 3,
Brian Thomas
- CF: oops...,
Brian Thomas
- CF: more on that patch,
Brian Thomas
- CF: weapon immunity archs...,
Brian Thomas
- CF: blindness patch,
Brian Thomas
- CF: Re: Testing lighting code,
Brian Thomas
- CF: ability_x,
Kristofer M. Bosland
- No Subject,
Bob Tanner
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