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CF: praying on altar BUG (patch)

Hello all,
This is a report from Japanese crossfire mailing-list.

When a character pray on a altar, he can learn a cleric spell sometimes.
But in this version, character can lern NON-cleric spell too!!
(e.g. haste,hellfire...)

patch for server/gods.c

*** gods.c.orig	Sat Oct  5 06:19:01 1996
--- gods.c	Sat Oct  5 06:19:20 1996
*** 276,282 ****
     /*generate a random rare clerical spell*/  
!     while(spells[spell].books && !spells[spell].cleric) {
  	if (spell >= NROFREALSPELLS)
  	    spell = 0;
--- 276,282 ----
     /*generate a random rare clerical spell*/  
!     while(spells[spell].books || !spells[spell].cleric) {
  	if (spell >= NROFREALSPELLS)
  	    spell = 0;

Sorry, My English is poor.
Mannen Akihiro 
Department of Information Science, Faculty of Science
University of Tokyo