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CF: minor bug fix

	The new use of the changing flag screws up
	the throwing code. Basically, it winds up
	producing 2 copys of an object if you throw
	an is_changing object (BAD!). The fix is 
	easy, and included below.


*** ../../tarfiles/crossfire-0.92.6/server/skills.c	Thu Sep 19 06:26:39 1996
--- ./skills.c	Mon Sep 30 04:52:27 1996
*** 42,51 ****
--- 42,53 ----
  #include <living.h>
  #include <skills.h>
  #include <spells.h>
  #include <book.h>
+ #define DEBUG_THROW
   * When stealing: dependent on the intelligence/wisdom of whom you're
   * stealing from (op in attempt_steal), offset by your dexterity and
   * skill at stealing. They may notice your attempt, whether successful
   * or not. 
*** 1144,1153 ****
--- 1146,1156 ----
    if(orig) {
      toss_item->type = THROWN_OBJ;
      toss_item->stats.dam = 0; /* default damage */
  #ifdef DEBUG_THROW
      LOG(llevDebug," inserting %s(%d) in toss_item(%d)\n",