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Re: CF: combat proposal (long)

> It seems, you are happy with very few things - kind of minimalist ...
Well, you're right, that's probably true.  One of CF's strengths is that it has
so much stuff in it (monsters, items, skills, etc).  I'd like to see some 
effort put on making the most of what is already there in addition to 
expanding the game.

> What you propose it *no* change to the combat-system, but simply a little change
> in the environment - and to be honest, i believe, that such "dramatic strings"
> are over-read very fast ...
Well, I can't imagine that adding strings would *hurt* gameplay.  At the worst,
you would just ignore them (like I do with the current strings).  The only
significant cost would be the effort spent creating them.  Plus, I do think
it would spice things up a bit, so it wouldn't hurt...
Oh, and for the record, I'm all for trying the enhanced combat system.  I'm
just throwing in an additional solution (they aren't mutually exclusive).
