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Re: CF: combat proposal (long)

Ivan Avramovic wrote:
> So, you're looking to spice up combat, are you?  To be honest, I didn't
> read the proposal carefully, because I believe that in a case like this, 
> it's better to see whether it works in practice rather than what it looks
> like on (virtual) paper.  I'm all for seeing it tried, as long as you're
> willing to scrap it if it turns out to be too cumbersome.
> As for spicing up combat, I have a suggestion that doesn't involve actually
> changing combat mechanics.  I suggest that instead of using strings telling
> you that you grazed, hit, or killed the enemy, use more dramatic strings like
> "you bloodied the orc", "you pound the zombie into a pulp", etc.
> Have the game select a random string out of a database, based on the amount
> of damage inflicted, the weapon/attack type, and type of monster.  The
> same applies to witty sound bytes.
> I've seen this kind of strategy used before (in games like "Wasteland") and
> I think it does make combat more interesting.

It seems, you are happy with very few things - kind of minimalist ...
What you propose it *no* change to the combat-system, but simply a little change
in the environment - and to be honest, i believe, that such "dramatic strings"
are over-read very fast ...

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