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Re: CF: combat proposal (long)

Brian Thomas wrote:
> 	I have been putting together some ideas about the combat 
> 	system which I would like to share for critical discussion. 
> 	Some of this stuff I have already mentioned in earlier email,
> 	so ardent readers of this list should recognize many of these
> 	ideas. The framework which I am presenting below, is however,
> 	very new.  
> 	As always, changes should be implemented with the idea of 
> 	'fun' first, realism second.
> 						-b.t.

I have had only a short look over your proposal (ever played GURPS?	;-)
and cannot commend about the single ideas and effects, but the whole idea just
hits me fully!

CF was always *nice*, i though, but i never realy played it - *exactly* your
idea could be something that enhanced CF to a more Roleplaying-like game. You do
not bash some stats against each other until one or the other dies, but have the
possibility to realy *act* within the game-world!

I realy love it!

Problem maybe beeing, that this kind of combat needs alot of more intelligence
for the computer-creatures ...
Otherwise, you could use tactics that are much too efficient against them.

	Thanx for your mail, and
Thomas (tgm) Ackermann                    | G i b   GATES | DOS* |Great minds
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