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Re: CF: 0.94.1 bug?

On Apr 17,  2:11pm, Christian Stieber wrote:
> Subject: CF: 0.94.1 bug?
> Hi,

> Also, in addition to my previous mail regarding the show invisible
> problem, pupland also has invisible altars (raffle2 and idaten boots
> quest), and there is at least one map where the designers want you to
> to make unholy ground visible. Also, eureca castle has a place where
> trapdoors should be made visible (there is a sign telling you to
> cast show invisible, to make you see the trapdoors).

 This gets to be a real problem, as I am sure there are other maps where unholy
ground was meant to never be visible, and possible the same for trapdoors.

 So to change this one way or the other is likely to cause possible conflicts
on at least some maps.

> I still think it's a bad idea to use a "positive" list --- use a negstive
> list of things that should never be made visible (magic ears and mouths;
> anything else?).

 Unholy ground, no magic areas, etc.  There is potentionally a lot of things
that should perhaps not be made visible - at least depending on the map makers
point of view.  There is no good solution for this with the current code - the
solution is to rewrite how invisibility is handled by the code (add more flags
on whether detect invisible should make a particular item visible or not).

 By default, anything could be made invislble.
 By default, only invisible monsters & players could be made visible.
 Everything else by default can not be made visible.  This coudl be overridden
by map designers.

 However, that requires some coding, which someone will need to do at some

> Christian
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>-- End of excerpt from Christian Stieber


-- Mark Wedel

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