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Re: CF: Strange problem

 () wrote:

> >Grepping through the demonology maps reveals that the Journeyman level is
> >the only one with color_fg keywords, but checking the old 0.94.0 maps
> >shows that the keywords has been in there in earlier versions, without
> >causing a crash. Any hints, anyone?
> Please check your grep again.  I was able to find the strings "color_fg"
> and "color_bg" in a multitude of files in the maps directory.

Right, but back then I only checked the peterm/Demonology/* maps.

> Reading thru the changelog tells me that somewhere around version .92.x the
> color_bg and color_fg keywords were depreciated.  All I did was construct a
> little for loop that went and got rid of those strings from all the 
> maps that they existed in.  Now the server does not bail when it gets to a
> situation like that.  I suggest you do the same.

Fix it, thanks to some mail from Mark.

> .94.1 seems generally buggy for me.

Almost all new releases are buggy.

> I have a bunch of students that play
> on my server quite often and it crashes with regularity.  Also the instant
> map refresh is kinda annoying.

Doesn't happen here. I fixed that, but it probably has a memory leak now.
Basically, in a function named free_map (or similar), do not free the
tmpname pointer. Don't change anything else; esp. do not apply the "fix"
posted to this list (which causes the instant refresh problem).

Also, make sure you apply my fix for the key bug that I sent to this list.

I have 0.94.1 running as "production" server, and it seems to work reasonably
well. In particular, ti doesn't crash more often than 0.94.0, as far as I
can tell. It still has lots of very old bugs, though.

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