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Re: CF: Re: Goth's tavern

And now for some answer to the original questions...

Anthony Thyssen wrote:
>  * People mention a good set of Random Altars in "Brest"
>    Where is "Brest"

This is the city located to the South-East of Scorn.  It is useful for its
random altars, but except for that I recommend that you avoid entering any
house until you are level 10 or higher.  Most maps are only hack-and-slash
and there are not many quests available.

>  * What do people suggest as a first place for a starting character to
>    visit after finishing the low level dungeons on Scorn.

First, you should try to more advanced dungeons in Scorn.  Then you can
go out of Scorn and try some parts of Santo Dominion and Navar City.
Unfortunately, these cities do not contain any indication of which maps
you should try first, so you have to enter the dungeons and see for
yourself if the monsters are too hard or not.  I usually try some of the
easy hack-and-slash maps in these cities to build up some experience, and
then I go to Pupland (there are some indications about the expected level
of each map) and Lake Country (there is a nice training tower that you can
visit several times as you progress).  In Pupland, you can also get some
experience by trying the first rooms of the raffle maps, but don't go too
far until you reach a higher level.

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