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Re: CF: Invisible objects

On Jan 8,  5:23pm, Christian Stieber wrote:
> Subject: CF: Invisible objects
> Hi,
> if you pick up an invisible object, there is no way to make it visible
> or get rid of it again... "drop all" doesn't drop anything, "drop foobar"
> says "nothing to drop", "invoke show inv" doesn't affect your inventory.

 Just out of curiosity, what invisible object are you picking up in the first

 But you are correct that there is no way to drop it.  Various invisible
objects are used in the players inventory to denote certain things (spells in
effect, depletion, etc.)  Being able to drop thos would not be a good thing.

 Probably an obvious fix to make is so you can not pick up invisible objects.

> Since a couple of abuses were fixed in 0.93.7, here is another one:
> 'invoke create food of mandrake_root
> creates 363 mandrake roots --- with charisma 20 these are worth 5807
> platinum coins... suggestion: implement a "create money" prayer -:)

 Need to put a check in on the value of the food being created.

 The create food & create missile were more convenient spells.  With rings of
regen or rings of magic, you start to go through huge quantities of food (or
missiles if firing them) - creating them wasn't meant to give money, just a
convenience so you don't have to wander back to down when you run low.

> Btw, the "use transferrence to kill electric dragons and get lots of
> experience for it"-abuse still works, although it's more complicated
> now, and yields less experience. You need two additional players.
> The lower level character (pefereably a fireborn; level doesn't matter)
> is getting his head exploded. The other character should have enough magic
> experience to cast transferrence and make the fireborn's head explode:
> invoke transferrence;ready_skill disarm
> Doing this yields almost 900K for an electric dragon, which is more
> than a level 1 character gets for killing a fire dragon physical (IIRC
> you get 827K).

 The fireball created by transferrance really should not gain anyone any exp.
 But creating a fireball with no owner was a little less trivial than the fix I
put in place.

 However, I wonder if that bug might work for most things (ie, invoke large
fireball; ready_skill disarm).  If I am reading hte bug correct, the main thing
that is happening is that the exp from the spell is being funneled into a
different category.  Since the fireball might take at least a tick before it
explodes, it is possible to change the exp category before then (not sure on


-- Mark Wedel

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