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Re: CF: Diseases in crossfire

> From  Mon Mar  2 19:24:52 1998
> Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 16:14:17 -0800
> Peter writes:
> advice on which religions should grant which plagues.
	Hmm. Ok, Ill try to pull out my notes..but some questions/thoughts 
	0- Are diseases a "force of nature" (ie real world case)
	   or are they "spiritual afflictions" (like in the old rune

	1- What do you mean which religons grant plagues? I assume
	   you mean which religons have power to inflict/cure which
	   diseases, correct?

	2- How do preists cure disease. I had thought spell would be
	   good way. Or do preists cure by "praying" to their god.

	3- what about integration of disease cures with alchemy. Ie
	   be able to make curative potions? What about a skill to 
	   diagnose the diseases? (that way you know which potion to 

	4- I assume youll implement diseases like objects. When they are
	communicated, you just copy the object and insert in the newly
	afflicted individual.

	Hmm. The relation of Religions to inflict/cure disease:

	1- The Devourers. These are the gods of the dead. Things like
	   Leprosy and rotting/wasting/draining diseases seem apropos.
	   Anything that hastens that day you die on will be something
	   these gods will love. No athletes feet here.

	2- Ragulli. God of Consumtion and Waste. Not sure how much
	   disease would be up his alley. He's more a wanton distructive
	   god. But diseases that act quick and viciously, like ebola, might 
	   be good ones for him to use. Hmm. Perhaps he IS a plague god.

	3- Gaia. Godess of Nature. Having power over nature must allow
	   her followers some control over diseases? Hmm. I dont think they
	   are really distructive types, I doubt they would either inflict
	   or cure disease. However, they might have power to prevent 
	   disease from occuring (At her whim, The goddess has the power to 
	   make nature "get along" with her followers). Perhaps has the 
	   power to protect against all range of disease..

	4- Lythander. Elven god of luck, tricks and theivery, Goblin foe. Hmm. 
	   no power to inflict or cure I would think. Giving your opponent
           a diseases isnt very crafty, just plain being nasty.

	5- Mostrai. The smith/maker god, Giant crusher. Same as for Lythander;
	   no power cure/inflict disease.

	6- Jehova. "Judge of souls, forgiver and healer" Sounds like this 
	   religon has power to cure any particular disease. NEVER would 
	   inflict disease.

	7- Lucifer. "Temptor and tormentor, Master of demons". This god might
	   take up the slack and handle all the other diseases that dont kill
	   outright, but do make life much less nice.. say inflicting tooth
	   decay, arthritis, and nervous disorders and the like.


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