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Re: Monster AI for version 1.0 CF (Was: Re: CF: Moving on to implement diseases)

I do not believe the issue is developing a monster AI, but developing
a monster (and possibly general object) scripting capability.  Currently,
monsters are controlled by some routines in CF with a minimal set of
specified monster behaivors.  This is not a great approach since any
change in monster behaivor affects most all monsters and thus an improvement
for one monster can make others do silly stuff.

Thus, I suggest a scripting language so each monster could be scripted
to be as deadly or as stupid as desired.  I recall the previous discussion
mentioned using "silent messages" so objects and monsters could influence
each other with a finite state machine.  Which would allow programming a
monster to respond to the same message differently depending upon previous
spoken and silent messages.

So the result would be the ability to improve monster scripts as desired
which could be used to make some mosnters generaly more capable and
improve interaction with specific monsters in maps.

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