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Re: Monster AI for version 1.0 CF (Was: Re: CF: Moving on to implement diseases)

> Scott writes:
> I do not believe the issue is developing a monster AI, but developing
> a monster (and possibly general object) scripting capability.  Currently,
> monsters are controlled by some routines in CF with a minimal set of
> specified monster behaivors.  This is not a great approach since any
> change in monster behaivor affects most all monsters and thus an improvement
> for one monster can make others do silly stuff.

	I agree that the issue is not to hardcode all of
	the monster behavior, I suppose I use the term "AI"
	rather loosely (what I mean-- AI==monster behavior).

	Scripting seems to be a fairly long term approach.

	At least, I would like to try something more generic
	such as having behavior based on the objects the
	monster has in inventory (eg spells, skills, equipement).

	This is similar to scripting in that a fairly large 
	number of behaviors are obtained (and they will be 
	suitable to the monster capabilities as well...).

	Scripting, by comparison, will need to be able to 
	have some means of making descisions on the monster
	inventory as well. So this isnt a "wasted" effort,
	but could be considered a first step.


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