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Re: CF: Re: Monster AI for version 1.0 CF

	Just my 2 bits.  If I have to identify the chainmail even if a
monster was wearing it should we not just assume that a monster unless
they have appropriate skills can't tell about magic/protections on
players items?  Perhaps if after the player has faield to be effected
by a fireball or cold spell not use that or if they discover themselves
in a no-magic area.  If all that is needed is some clasification of
the spells into appropriate objects it certainly seems like a place
where people like myself without overly much time and no history of
the crossfire code could really do well with some guidance to just
dig in and tear it apart.


[ from Christian Stieber ]
> Brian Thomas () wrote:
> > 	think a more open round of disussion might help to jell/distill 
> > 	any plan for programming the AI. Comments?
> Well, one of the basic things seems to be that monsters should
> adopt their spellcasting according to what they see. For example,
> a reasoably equipped player is immune to fire, so the monster
> might decide not to use firespells. If the player is wearing a mithril
> chainmail of winter, casting cold spells doesn't make much sense.
> Maybe just assume that the monster knows all items (or maybe
> balance this a bit --- intelligent monsters might know all the
> items, lower level monsters might only know the standard items).
> The problem with this approach, however, is that monsters only cast
> electricity spells, because very few players are immune to that
> (you need the cloak of magic resistance... and the three pupland
> items seem very hard to find (I suppose... I didn't find them yet,
> but that's just me... maybe I'm too stupd)).
> So, how about some tactics? "Lure" the player into a room full with
> monsters... try to "split" a group of players... but then, I don't
> really have an idea how this could be done.
> The most obvious thing that needs to be done (IMHO) is to prevent
> monsters from casting useless spells such as "marking rune", "detect magic"
> etc. just because they happen to have a spellbook of foo. In addition,
> it might be a good idea to try to make monsters act as a "team" ---
> currently it seems monsters don't cooperate at all.
> Maybe "watch" the player --- does he run away from fire spells?
> If the player casts spells --- cast counterspell, and adjust tactics.
> Hm... all this isn't very useful, I know. Just some thoughts I had.
> Christian
> -- 
> Christian (Icho/Gandhi/Ribald, 13326)
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