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Re: Monster AI for version 1.0 CF (Was: Re: CF: Moving on to implement diseases)

>>>>[From Brian Thomas]
    > Scott writes:
    > I do not believe the issue is developing a monster AI, but developing
    > a monster (and possibly general object) scripting capability.  Currently,
    > monsters are controlled by some routines in CF with a minimal set of
    > specified monster behaivors.  This is not a great approach since any
    > change in monster behaivor affects most all monsters and thus an improvement
    > for one monster can make others do silly stuff.
    	I agree that the issue is not to hardcode all of
    	the monster behavior, I suppose I use the term "AI"
    	rather loosely (what I mean-- AI==monster behavior).

This is where a java server will kick butt.
All you have to do is define certain "interfaces" to objects such as
players, map, etc.
Then a monster type can have its own compiled "mymonster_AI.class", and the
server loads it in when appropriate. You can then get as strange as you
want, and you don't have to worry about making your own scripting language.

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