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Re: CF: mouseless play

John Kraft wrote:
> I'm playing solo on a notebook sometimes, and the mouse is a
> pain to use.  the worst place is looking thru piles of things
> on the ground.  Is there any way to page thru or rotate a pile
> on the ground?  Or any other tips for getting by with as little
> mousing as possible?

 I don't think the original designed envisioned mouseless operation.

 The newest version is 0.95.3, and it would certainly be possible to extend the
client some to allow scrolling of the inventory and look via keyboard (add some
client side command which the player can bind to a key if desired.)

 This doesn't help out on a lot of the other options (pickup, drop, apply, etc)
still pretty much rely on selection via the mouse.

 So probably at best, the need to use the mouse can be reduced, but not
completely eliminated at current time.
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