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Re: CF: Gatehouse map

Anthony Thyssen wrote:

> | I might be late on this (I havn't looked for archives) but the city map
> | appears outta whack... The gates outta the city don't open like they
> | should... They're being activly maintained so I'll report it instead of
> | submitting a fix/patch
> |
> The maps were is working order and find when submitted.
> They should let four classes of people though.
> 1/ The password "chain"  which should be changed as this is for
>    the general populace of the city and not for adventurers.
>    Guard responds :- ``That was the old password'' sorry no access

 It perhaps should be changed.  But if so, something outside the guardhouse
where you can pay to get entrance might be nice (in case player resumes game
from outside of the city and doesn't know the other ways in, or more
importantly, if players start in different places.)

 In any case, for reasons I am not sure of, the east magic ear had the wrong
connected value.  it is now fixed.

> 2/ The handle inside the gate house

 Those all seem to work.

> 3/ People with a Gate or Port Pass

 Also seems to work.
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