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Re: CF: Newbie questions, bear with me :)

--- Sean McInerney <> wrote:
> Hi folks, please bear with me I am new to Unix and
> running crossfire.
> I am going to install Red hat linux 5.1 tomorrow and
> had a few 
> questions about setting up crossfire.  I downloaded
> the latest 
> version (0.95.3) with some .tar files and some
> .tar.bz2.  I was 
> wondering if I need both of these, I am thinking I
> dont't.  Also does 
> anyone know if this latest version will compile
> under RHL?
> Last question is will files I downloaded using
> Windows (98) work in 
> the Unix environment when I find them on my hard
> drive.  I don't know 
> if windows somehow marks the file that Unix will not
> recognize.
> Thanks for listening, and I hope to learn more about
> Unix ASAP :)
> Sean
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To play crossfire, you need: 
You don't need both the .gz and .bz2 files, as these
are the same files, compressed using different 
compression programs. (bzip2 usually does a 
better job, and gzip)

Yes, you should be able to compile crossfire on
a RedHat system, I have succedded in doing so many
times. Most major Linux distributions will compile
with no problems, just make sure that you have 
installed X Develepment header files and libraries.

I haven't had any problems bringing files from 
Win95/98, over to my Linux box, or moving them
to a Linux partition. If you are using
Win98 on a FAT32 partition however, you might need
to recompile your kernel with a FAT32 driver. If
you haven't already, it might be a good idea to
download a newer kernel, like 2.2.6, or 2.0.37?
which will have better support for FAT32 and NTFS.

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