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CF: re: last message

I managed to figure out working tar anyways.  tar -zxvf <filename> 
works nicely.
I managed to compile the crossfire-0.95.3 files ok doing 
first ./configure, then make depend, then make, then make install.
However my client doesn't wanna compile for me.
I did ./configure, make depend, and on make I get an error saying:
utils/ sound soundsdef.h def_sounds
make: utils/ Command not found

but is in my crossfire-client-0.95.3/utils directory.
I looked at it with xedit, and it is real.
Anyone have an idea on what this might mean?
Did I miss a step somewhere?
Also you just need to extract the map files right. No compilation to 
be done regarding them?

Thanks a lot.


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