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Re: CF: 0.95.3 bugs (OR CHEATS)

Christian Stieber wrote:

> Hm... I seem to recall that you drop unpaid items when you die inside
> a shop. Could somebody please verify this?

 Code is in place to do it.  I assume it works, but didn't try it just now.

> > 2. The game of Doubling. There use to be a keyboard button for krashing the
> > server, on a Sparkstation, Up to the left and unmarked. Well if you know
> Works with all server crashes. That's not a cheat, and it's becoming
> increasingly difficult to crash the server.
> A couple of server versions allowed doubling with client crashing,
> though :-)

 Yeah.  If the server can be crashed, things can get sort of messed up.  No
perfect solution - if you remove all the temp maps in case of ungraceful
shutdown (such code could be added - server could create a file when it
gracefully shuts down), then players may find themselves in the middle of a
dungeon surrounded by hostile monsters they just killed.

 Since most serious servers probably run within a script that re-runs the server
if it crashes, clearing out the temp maps probably isn't a good thing.  The
proper solution is to fix all the ways to crash the server.

> Not really. It takes a while to get 60 dragon scales (the location was
> in Butakis castle, not pupland. I don't remember a power dragon mail
> in pupland, but this doesn't mean much --- I already had a mithril
> chainmail of winter when I explored pupland).
> In any case, they have removed it. There is now only one place where
> a power dragon mail can be gotten (actually there are more, but only
> one places makes sense if you still need a powerdragon mail).

 Actually, it is a lot easier now to get 60 dragon scales than it once was as
things like wyverns and other lesser dragons now have them (before it was only
the big dragon and electric dragon, and finding 60 of them would be a bit of

 I am not positive, but I believe the end result was the armor got moved to the
end of some quest, so you actually needed to have some skill to get it.

> > 5. There are streets made for avatars in brest where the EXP is lined up
> > for you when you have the Avatar.
> Yep :-) That's the classic way to get a few levels of exp. It works
> rather well between level 10 and 25 or so, but doesn't make much sense
> beyond that. There is just one such map (so it's "street", not
> "streets" :-)).

 Is this the map where there is a very long corrider with a bunch of fairly high
level monsters bunched up in such a way that some are trapped and no more than 1
will ever attack you at one time?

 that one definately doesn't fall into the good map category.  It should
probably be cleaned up to at least put some challenge in there (more than 1
monster attack you at a time), or something else to decrease the slaughter fest
nature of the map some.
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