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Re: CF: Publicity

> Do what we do with the netrek server code base, which is patterned after the
> Java Apache project.
> - Put everything into CVS and allow anonymous read-only access to it.

All of { arch maps client server crossedit } ARE in cvs.  I don't want to
allow anonymous CVS access yet:  I don't want security problems with the machine,
and anonymous CVS worries me.

> - Allow anyone, with approval to contribute (write) to the repository.

So far, Mark's OK'd everyone who's asked for access to have write permission.

> - Setup a loginfo that sends all changes to the repository to a developers
>   mailing list.

I'd appreciate help with that:  I had a hard time figuring out how to do
this from the CVS doc (loginfo I mean).

> - Run WebCVS so people can "browse" the repository.

I think the following URL's below meet this need:


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