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Re: CF: Publicity

Quoting Peter Mardahl ():
> > - Put everything into CVS and allow anonymous read-only access to it.
> All of { arch maps client server crossedit } ARE in cvs.  I don't want to
> allow anonymous CVS access yet:  I don't want security problems with the machine,
> and anonymous CVS worries me.

I hear that. Do you have a machine that is behind a firewall? Just doing
pserver and port redirection on the firewall would help secure the box. That
is what I did.

> > - Setup a loginfo that sends all changes to the repository to a developers
> >   mailing list.
> I'd appreciate help with that:  I had a hard time figuring out how to do
> this from the CVS doc (loginfo I mean).

Put the attached files into your $CVSROOT/CVSROOT directory.

loginfo is what cvs looks for after it has commited changes to the repository.
It is pretty simple, more or less it just redirects the loginfo request to the
other file,

Change the loginfo to have the fullpath to the and changed the -m
parameter to be the address you want the email to go to.

In the, change line 118 to say what you want it to say.

That should be it. Drop me some email if you have any other questions.
> > - Run WebCVS so people can "browse" the repository.
> I think the following URL's below meet this need:
> http://langmuir.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/pub/peterm/crossfire/log/crossfire.html
> http://langmuir.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/pub/peterm/crossfire/log/client.html
> http://langmuir.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/pub/peterm/crossfire/log/maps.html
> http://langmuir.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/pub/peterm/crossfire/log/arch.html
> PeterM

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                | Fax   : (612)943-8500
Key fingerprint =  6C E9 51 4F D5 3E 4C 66 62 A9 10 E5 35 85 39 D9 

#! /usr/bin/perl
# -*-Perl-*-
#ident "$CVSid$"
# XXX: FIXME: handle multiple '-f logfile' arguments
# XXX -- I HATE Perl!  This *will* be re-written in shell/awk/sed soon!

# Usage: [[-m user] ...] [-s] -f logfile 'dirname file ...'
# -m user  - for each user to receive cvs log reports
#   (multiple -m's permitted)
# -s  - to prevent "cvs status -v" messages
# -f logfile - for the logfile to append to (mandatory,
#   but only one logfile can be specified).

# here is what the output looks like:
#    From: 
#    Subject: CVS update: testmodule
#    Date: Wednesday November 23, 1994 @ 14:15
#    Author: woods
#    Update of /local/src-CVS/testmodule
#    In directory kuma:/home/kuma/woods/work.d/testmodule
#    Modified Files:
#     test3
#    Added Files:
#     test6
#    Removed Files:
#     test4
#    Log Message:
#    - wow, what a test
# (and for each file the "cvs status -v" output is appended unless -s is used)
#    ==================================================================
#    File: test3            Status: Up-to-date
#       Working revision: 1.41 Wed Nov 23 14:15:59 1994
#       Repository revision: 1.41 /local/src-CVS/cvs/testmodule/test3,v
#       Sticky Options: -ko
#       Existing Tags:
#     local-v2                  (revision: 1.7)
#     local-v1                  (revision:
#     CVS-1_4A2                 (revision:
#     local-v0                  (revision: 1.2)
#     CVS-1_4A1                 (revision:
#     CVS                       (branch: 1.1.1)

#$cvsroot = $ENV{'CVSROOT'};
$cvsroot = "/home/netrek/cvsroot";
$cvsbin = "/usr/bin";

# turn off setgid
$) = $(;

$dostatus = 1;

# parse command line arguments
while (@ARGV) {
        $arg = shift @ARGV;

 if ($arg eq '-m') {
                $users = "$users " . shift @ARGV;
 } elsif ($arg eq '-f') {
  ($logfile) && die "Too many '-f' args";
  $logfile = shift @ARGV;
 } elsif ($arg eq '-s') {
  $dostatus = 0;
 } elsif ($arg eq '-u') {
  $myuser = shift @ARGV;
 } else {
  ($donefiles) && die "Too many arguments!\n";
  $donefiles = 1;
  @files = split(/ /, $arg);

# the first argument is the module location relative to $CVSROOT
$modulepath = shift @files;

#$mailcmd = "| rmail -s 'CVS update: $modulepath'";
#$mailcmd = "| /usr/lib/sendmail -i -t -fjon\";
$mailcmd = "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t";

# Initialise some date and time arrays
@mos = (January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December);
@days = (Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday);

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;

# get a login name for the guy doing the commit....
#$login = getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[0] || "nobody";

# open log file for appending
open(OUT, ">>" . $logfile) || die "Could not open(" . $logfile . "): $!\n";

# send mail, if there's anyone to send to!
if ($users) {
# $mailcmd = "$mailcmd $users";
 open(MAIL, $mailcmd) || die "Could not Exec($mailcmd): $!\n";
# print MAIL "Return-Path: jon\\n";
# print MAIL "Reply-To: jserv-dev\\n";
# print MAIL "From: $myuser <jon\>\n";
 print MAIL "From: Vanilla CVS Development <tanner\>\n";
 print MAIL "To: $users\n";
 print MAIL "Subject: CVS update: $modulepath\n\n";

# print out the log Header
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "****************************************\n";
print OUT "Date:\t$days[$wday] $mos[$mon] $mday, 19$year @ $hour:" .
sprintf("%02d", $min) . "\n";
print OUT "Author:\t$myuser\n\n";

if (MAIL) {
 print MAIL "Date:\t$days[$wday] $mos[$mon] $mday, 19$year @ $hour:" .
sprintf("%02d", $min) . "\n";
 print MAIL "Author:\t$myuser\n\n";

# print the stuff from logmsg that comes in on stdin to the logfile
#print MAIL "----start stuff from logmsg----\n";
open(IN, "-");
while (<IN>) {
 print OUT $_;
 if (MAIL) {
  print MAIL $_;
#print MAIL "----end stuff from logmsg----\n";

print OUT "\n\n";
print MAIL "\n****************************************\n\n";

#print MAIL "----start foo----\n";
while (@files) {
 $file = shift @files;
 if ($file eq "-") {
  print OUT "[input file was '-']\n";
  if (MAIL) {
   print MAIL "[input file was '-']\n";
 open(RCS, "-|") || exec "$cvsbin/cvs", '-Qqn', "-d$cvsroot", 'rdiff', '-u',
'-t', "$modulepath/$file";
 while (<RCS>) {
  print OUT;
  if (MAIL) {
   print MAIL;
#print MAIL "----end foo----\n";

#die "Write to $logfile failed" if $?;

#die "Pipe to $mailcmd failed" if $?;

## must exit cleanly
exit 0;

ALL	$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/ -s -f /dev/null -m  -u $USER %s