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Re: CF: oddity in the pup_land raffle #2

Seikoh Nishita sent a couple of messages explaining the intent of certain
features of the maps he worked on.  I think his comments were most insightful.

I think it would be great for the game if Mark and whomever could get
together with Mr Nishita and develop a more detailed map object specification
(exactly how buttons and whatever are supposed to work).  It is clear that
Mr Nishita and the developers of the Pupland maps very cleverly figured out
how to make the maps have particular features.  Unfortunately, some of the
map object behaivors that they utilized were considered bugs in other maps
and so fixing bugs in some maps resulted in breaking other maps.

If Mr Nishita is willing to update his maps and explain some of the trickier
map behaivors that he is trying to achieve and those involved save their
emails as an addenda to map object behaivors then it should be possible to
modify CF and the pupland maps so they work as all desire and to make sure
they continue to work right (as there will be many fewer behaivors that are


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